Tuesday 13 December 2011

Why Choose Organic Cotton?

Organic cotton is grown without the use of toxic chemicals and is certified by an accredited independent organization. Instead of using toxic chemicals, organic farmers use insects, crop rotation, compost and other eco-friendly methods to grow their cotton. They start by using untreated seeds and build soil through crop rotations and retain water efficiently with organic matters. They physically remove weeds and control weed through cultivation instead of using herbicides and insecticides to kill weeds and pests. The result is a softer, better cotton for your children.

Babies and children are most vulnerable to chemicals and pesticides and choosing organic cotton clothing and products reduces their exposure to toxic and persistent pesticides on their skin. Anyone with sensitive skin should choose organic cotton since it enables them to avoid allergens contained in chemically grown and synthetic products.

The farming of organic cotton is also kinder and gentler to the earth than conventional cotton. Conventional cotton farming uses approximately 25% of the world’s instecticides and more than 10% of the pesticides. It takes roughly a third of a pound of chemicals to grow enough cotton for one T-shirt.  According to the world health organization, 20,000 people die of cancer and miscarriages each year in developing countries as a result of the chemicals sprayed on conventional cotton.

Organically Hatched sources the best organic cotton products for your babies and children from all around the world. Their products are made with certified organic cotton and are produced in sweat-shop free factories.

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